# WHEN HARRY MET SEVERUS by N. Peppertrout --- FADE IN: INT. LASER TAG ARENA - SMOKEY AND DARK A LASER GUN pokes into view, illuminating the darkness with neon light and flashing colors. Meet HARRY, an adult male with a small scar on his forehead. He moves quickly through the dim arena. There are 20 or more kids running around yelling. HARRY and his red-haired friend RON chase them wildly. YOUNG BOY That's not fair! You are so much older than us! The YOUNG BOY starts to cry. HARRY glares at the boy, waiting for his vest to power up before shooting him again. RON WEASLEY That's for Scabbers, you little punk! RON is seen chasing a group of 8 year olds into a corner, laser beams spraying everywhere. SMASH CUT: EXT. CENTRAL PARK, NYC - DAY SEVERUS SNAPE sits on a park bench. Alive. Drinking coffee and browsing Reddit /r/aww on his Muggle iPhone. Without warning a soccer ball collides with the side of Snape's head, spilling coffee all over his lap. He stands suddenly and spins towards the ball's origin. WIDE ANGLE VIEW OF PARK We see a co-ed group of high school-aged youths playing soccer, looking in Severus's direction, laughing. SEVERUS SNAPE Carpe Retractum! All of the youths fall to the ground as their sneakers fly off their feet and through the air towards Snape. CLOSEUP OF THE GROUND NEAR SEVERUS Severus collects the sneakers, depositing them into a seemly empty pocket in his cloak. He pauses at one particular pair of shoes, inspecting it. SEVERUS SNAPE Curious. Curious indeed. BACK TO EXT. LASER TAG ARENA - PARKING LOT RON is licking an ice cream cone. As he glances sideways towards a group of young girls, he misses the cone and knocks the top scoop off with his chin. It falls to the ground and splatters on his already dirty and worn out shoes. The girls giggle. RON WEASLEY Rotten luck. Harry smiles and waves at them casually, as they climb into his black 1992 Honda Civic Del Sol. HARRY POTTER It's okay Ron. Some day you'll be comfortable in your own body. Probably.