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The New Consultants’ Toolkit: Make the start of your Consultant career a success

Friday 29th November 2024

thestudio, Riverside West, Whitehall Road, Leeds, LS1 4AW

9:00am Registration, 9:30am Welcome and 4:00pm Close


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With the successful completion of higher training you will be well equipped with clinical skills and knowledge for your first post as a consultant psychiatrist. However, non-clinical responsibilities and challenges may be new and unexpected and thus a source of unnecessary anxiety. This course will allow you to enter your consultant job feeling equipped and prepared for the new challenges which hopefully will then be rewarding. 

 After attending this course delegates will be able to:

- Understand non-clinical responsibilities of life as a consultant. 

- Understand your part in making the wider organisation successful. 

- Identify any additional learning opportunities that could be beneficial before starting your job. 


This course offers 6 CPD points and is suitable for Higher Trainees and newly appointed Consultants.

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